Our mission

To improve the quality, effectiveness & accessibility of therapy and coaching

Kinva is a unique, secure platform allowing allied healthcare and other professionals to connect directly with their clients and patients, providing them with bespoke, tailored, outcomes-focused therapeutic plans.

Kinva reduces the need for clinics, reduces costs and carbon footprint, creates much-needed accountability, and improves client outcomes.


Our why


a message from Michelle,
our CEO & Co-founder

Hi, my name is Michelle Connor, and I'm on a mission to make health and holistic therapy provision more efficient, effective, and accessible to all. 

My life was rocked when my daughter was diagnosed with an ultra-rare disorder called Kleefstra syndrome, leaving her profoundly physically and intellectually challenged. For years, I've sought out and worked tirelessly with some of the best experts in the world to help my girl. I've learned first-hand the importance of accessing the right help at the right time, having a tailored plan, and being supported.

Global health services are facing mounting challenges. Waiting lists are long and appointments are often sporadic. 

We want to help address those challenges. We want to help professionals provide the best possible help, support, and care to their clients.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for being part of the Kinva community. We will make a difference together.


It's time for a global revolution
in therapeutic provision

Kinva allows a wide variety of professionals and health services to create in-app programmes or plans, bespoke and tailored to their patient’s or customer’s individual needs, sent from your desk to the client’s device.

Our goal

Our mission is to address the increasing global demand for therapy and holistic health and wellbeing provision by connecting professionals with clients and delivering timely, bespoke care and support.


On the rise

There is a global rise in physical, emotional and mental ill health. Demand hugely outstrips supply, and clients are deteriorating due to lack of access.



The traditional model does not track progress or focus on outcomes. Physical clinics are increasingly expensive and their carbon footprint increases year on year.


Secure support

Kinva allows you to securely find, connect with, and retain clients. You will support and encourage and give tailored plans, and manage your caseload efficiently and effectively.


Outcomes focus

Kinva reduces the need for clinics, reduces costs and carbon footprint, creates much-needed accountability, and improves client outcomes.

Made in NI with love.

Thank you for using kinva, your support
helps us to build a global community.

© kinva.® 2025   Terms & Conditions Company number NI687170. Kinva Health Ltd. Privacy Policy