For Patients
Supporting patients
to achieve better results.
Kinva is a secure platform designed for professionals to connect directly with their patients. With Kinva, you can create bespoke, tailored, outcomes-focused coaching plans.
Kinva helps you connect with, support, and retain your patients. It creates much-needed accountability, and improves patient outcomes.
How we can help Patients
Access hard-to-reach patients
Provide realtime feedback
Improve the value of your offering
Boost retention rates
Maximise capacity
Provide patients with latest technology and innovation
Streamline your processes
Simpler to view documents on the go
Secure client management
Flexible appointments
Accessible media repository
Improved outcomes for your patients
25% to 40% of all Fortune 500 companies include executive coaching as a part of their standard leadership training for their top executives and best performers.
Report - Hay Group
Experience the next level of patient support with Kinva.
Kinva allows practitioners to create bespoke plans with day-to-day scheduling, sent directly to the patient's device. Practitioners can include media in the plan, such as videos, documents, links. They can see when a patient has completed a task, assess it remotely, and provide feedback, support, and encouragement. They can manage their caseload more efficiently. They can create GDPR-compliant groups – a community, the ability to share the journey and help and support each other at a time when we are all more and more separated from each other.
With bank-level encryption, coaches are assured that their patient's data is secure. Kinva reduces the need for face-to-face, reduces costs and carbon footprint, creates much-needed accountability, and improves patient outcomes.
✔ Create an omnichannel model
✔ Improve patient outcomes
✔ Improve overall wellness
✔ Enhance client access, convenience, and continuity of support
✔ Access patients previously inaccessible
✔ Remote patient connection and support
✔ Proactive digital patient engagement
✔ Provide virtual coaching
of coaching clients improve work performance, communication, and relationships
average financial return on investment in coaching
increase in demand for virtual coaching since 2019.
Institute of Coaching / ICF
Wellness coaching can reduce depressive symptoms, perceived stress levels, and improve quality of life and physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual functioning.
- The Mayo Clinic
How has COVID-19 changed the outlook for coaching?
The Coaching Federation 2021
Had to change their delivery mechanism.
Of providers moved to audio-video platforms.
Agreed that coach practitioners have to invest more in technology moving forward.
Experienced reduced income during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We believe in the human touch
If you would like to learn more about our platform, speak to us to learn how we can have a positive impact on your practice.
We're on a mission to improve the quality, effectiveness & accessibility of therapy and coaching.
- Kinva
Made in NI with love.
Thank you for using kinva, your support
helps us to build a global community.
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